Floating Wind JIP - Stage 2 Phase 4


Phase 4 of the Floating Wind JIP was delivered from 2020 to 2022 and focuses on  the areas of floating wind access and availability, yield, wind turbine generators and numerical modelling guidelines and standards. Key findings from Phase 4 have been made available in a summary report.

Phase 4 summary report

Phase 4 technical studies

Floating wind access and availability

This project will improve understanding of the accessibility and expected availability of future commercial scale floating wind farms with a view to identifying innovation needs for floating wind access. Specifically, the project aims to: 

  • Estimate access performance of different platform types with different access methods
  • Define and optimise the access strategy for the expected environmental conditions
  • Understand the sensitivity of accessibility on wind turbine generator availability
  • Determine the effect of floating substructure motions on technicians
Floating wind yield

This project will improve understanding of yield from floating wind, compared to fixed offshore wind. Its ultimate aim is to update the leading yield prediction software to improve prediction of floating wind yield. Specifically, it will consider:

  • Quantifying wake loss and associated uncertainties, as well as their sensitivities to key inputs
  • Production of estimated yield (AEP) of turbines installed on floating platforms
  • Controller optimisation and trade-off against dampening
  • Determining yield impacts for different floating foundation motions and floating substructure types
Assessment of wind turbine generators for floating wind farms 

This project will build on previous Floating Wind JIP, working with turbine manufacturers and suppliers to identify and understand floating wind specific risks to their mechanical/electrical componentry. Specifically, it will aim to:

  • Build on previous Floating Wind JIP work undertaken assessing floating wind turbine generators, and support manufacturers towards investigating floating specific risks to their mechanical/electrical componentry
  • Support a forum to engage with key suppliers, particularly WTG suppliers
  • Support, advise and lobby to accelerate the technology for improved floating AEP and increase confidence in large scale floating wind project investment
Numerical modelling guidelines and standards for floating wind

This project is addressing improvements in the floating wind design process, including the assessment of the current state of the art modelling tools used for floating wind design. Specifically, it will produce:

  • A review of which load cases drive the design for floating wind turbines (broken down by floater type if required) 
  • A review of existing floating wind rules, guidelines and standards with regard to load cases
  • Best practice guidance on selecting and running tools, and on the recommended load cases to run
  • Recommendations for appropriate load cases to be included in floating standards, and highlighting areas of discrepancy between standards

Find out more

Floating Wind Joint Industry Programme