Floating Wind JIP - Stage 2 Phase 1

Phase 1 of Stage 2 of the Floating Wind JIP was delivered from 2017-2018 and focused on technology innovations and challenges for electrical systems, mooring systems, and infrastructure and logistics for floating wind farms. 

The key findings of the first phase of technical projects were published in a summary report.

Phase 1 Summary Report 

Phase 1 technical studies

Electrical systems

Floating wind deployments to date have largely consisted of single unit prototypes connected directly to shore with a low voltage electrical cable. However, as farm size increases and projects move to deeper waters further from shore, the requirements and demands of the electrical infrastructure will increase to a more complex configuration of inter-array cables, higher voltage export cables, deep-water substations, and cable connectors. This study evaluated the key technical challenges related to deep-water substations, dynamic cables, cable connectors, and wind farm circuitry and burial.  

Mooring systems

The mooring and anchoring system of floating wind devices is a critical component, and despite considerable experience from the oil and gas sector, mooring and anchoring systems used for floating wind turbines have not been fully optimised. A number of different mooring and anchoring solutions are available to technology developers, but there is a limited level of technology convergence, and a wide variety of systems are implemented. This study reviewed current state of the art solutions, identified opportunities for innovation and optimisation, and assessed barriers to implementation.  

Infrastructure and logistics

This study assessed the requirements and procedures for the construction and maintenance of large-scale floating wind farms, and highlighted the key challenges envisaged for commercial deployment. This included the phasing of operations in fabrication, assembly, installation and maintenance campaigns, and the infrastructure requirements to undertake these operations. 

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The Floating Wind Joint Industry Project