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We accelerate innovative electric mobility projects across Africa. 

Through our support to the Energy Catalyst, we have helped innovators like Mobile Power develop their MOPO Hubs which provide households with energy and e-mobility solutions through a pay-per-use battery sharing platform. With support from the NAMA Facility and our partners, we are also designing a new initiative to accelerate the roll-out of e-motos in Rwanda through a range of financing mechanisms. 

Through our Powering Renewable Energy Opportunities (PREO) work, we have supported a range of innovative electric mobility projects in Africa. These projects demonstrate new business models including the first ever electric motorbike manufactured in Africa, innovative approaches to charging including micro-payments and hybrid solar / grid charging infrastructure and tuk-tuk electrification. Early data from our grantees show increased income for taxi drivers who provide mobility services with electric vehicles, improving livelihoods while cleaning the air. You can find out more at The Power of the Productive Use of Energy – an impact investment frontier - PREO Powering Renewable Energy Opportunities.

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