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Market transformation

We work with businesses, governments and financial institutions to transform the markets central to a decarbonised future – energy, buildings, industry, transport and food systems. We use our innovation, green finance and policy expertise, and impartial, mission driven status, to unlock collaborations that accelerate systems transitions at speed and scale.


We need to radically change the way we generate, move and use energy. We collaborate with partners across the energy system to catalyse the technologies and business models, governance frameworks and finance needed to decarbonise the energy system.


Driving down emissions in the buildings we use every day is key to reaching Net Zero. We are working across heat decarbonisation, energy efficiency, sustainable cooling and low carbon refurbishments to accelerate the transition to zero carbon buildings.


We work with industrial clients in sectors as diverse as textiles, cement, steel, mining, ICT, cooling, food and beverage, chemicals and pulp and paper to help them understand their Net Zero challenges and to develop and deploy the solutions needed to decarbonise.


We work with organisations and governments globally to decarbonise the transport sector.

Climate policy

We provide impartial policy advice based on rigorous analysis and drawing on our unique network across government, industry, academic and finance stakeholders.