132 kV array cable requirements and the need for improved testing standards

Follow-up summary report from the OWA High Voltage Array Systems (Hi-VAS) project, outlining technical design and performance requirements for 132 kV array cables, and the gaps in existing qualification standards. 

Report cover


In 2022, the High Voltage Array Systems (Hi-VAS) project identified 132 kV as the optimal next array voltage level, and highlighted the urgency in making the transition. The project found that 132 kV array cable is a critical area where further technical development and higher consensus across the industry is required. This summary report outlines the outcomes of the Hi-VAS project’s recent work to build industry-wide consensus on the technical design and performance requirements for 132 kV array cables, highlighting the gaps in existing qualification standards and scoping further work to address remaining uncertainties regarding 132 kV array cables.

Key findings

  • Broad consensus has been reached on most technical design and performance requirements for 132 kV array cables.
  • However, significant gaps have been highlighted in qualification standards for wet-static 132 kV array cables, and some gaps have also been identified for 132 kV dynamic cables.
  • New tests have been proposed to address these gaps, along with fundamental research questions to be answered, particularly relating to wet insulation materials and use of AI alloy.
  • As a next step, the Hi-VAS project is looking to conduct a testing programme to provide greater clarity on qualification standards for wet-static 132 kV array cables.

Previous report: Unlocking the next generation of offshore wind: step change to 132kV array systems


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