The Carbon Trust founded
Founded by the UK government with the unique purpose of driving decarbonisation for businesses, governments and financial institutions. We don’t have shareholders and reinvest any financial surplus to further grow our impact.
The world’s first carbon footprint label
Launched the world’s first carbon footprint label verification with a public standard, allowing companies to communicate action, based on assured results. Find out more about our product footprint verification.

Established the Offshore Wind Accelerator (OWA)
Established our flagship RD programme the Offshore Wind Accelerator (OWA), which now involves nine leading offshore wind developers. In its first ten years it has delivered over 150 projects, which have led to a significant reduction in the cost of offshore wind energy and is now being replicated across the globe.

Launched the Carbon Trust Standard
Launched the Carbon Trust Standard for Carbon to provide a robust, objective and consistent methodology for assessing corporate carbon performance.

GHG Protocol and measuring Scope 3 emissions
Advised the GHG Protocol establishing guidance for companies to measure Scope 3 emissions, now a widely used international standard.
Launched the Carbon Trust in Africa
Established an African office in Pretoria as part of an ambitious programme with the South African NBI and UK aid to help businesses across South Africa become more energy efficient.

Science Based Targets initiative
Joined the Technical Advisory Group for the Science Based Targets initiative, setting an ambitious global framework for companies to align their carbon reduction plans to climate science.
Launched the Carbon Trust in Mexico
Expanded our mission to Mexico, setting up an office in Mexico City to initially deliver three projects to help 150,000 businesses and the public sector cut costs and carbon.

Word's first verification for supply chain emissions reduction
Launched the world’s first verification to recognise supply chain emissions reduction.
Find out more about value and supply chain sustainability.

Clean energy solutions
Began work on the Department for International Development’s Transforming Energy Access programme to support the development and deployment of affordable, clean energy solutions in sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia.

The UK's first green bond
Accredited the UK’s first green bond for Barclays, providing expert assurance of its low carbon credentials, as part of our growing activity in green finance.
Find out more about Green finance.

Setting science-based targets for Carlsberg, BT, LandSec and Mahindra Sanyo
Worked with sector-leading companies to set challenging science-based targets – including Carlsberg, BT, LandSec and Mahindra Sanyo.

The Carbon Trust in the Netherlands and Southeast Asia
Continued to expand our global reach with the opening of a European office in Amsterdam and a Southeast Asia office in Singapore.

Launched the Carbon Trust in Germany
Opening of a German office in Berlin to provide on-site support for the DACH region and German-speaking customers to assist key businesses in achieving their climate targets.