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Maritime decarbonisation

The Carbon Trust works with organisations and governments globally to decarbonise the transport sector.

While shipping goods can be 17 times more efficient than air, and 10 times more efficient than road, figures suggest that the sector represents almost 3% of global CO2 emissions.1 There have also been projections that maritime shipping could account for 17% of total annual CO2 emissions by 2050, if left unchecked. 

That’s why we are working with the maritime transport industry to find practical solutions to carbon emissions, and share our knowledge and expertise.

How we can help

Strategic thinking

We are delivering a Maritime Decarbonisation and Economy Strategy for South Hams District Council in Devon. This will help drive decarbonisation in the council’s marine sector and assess the economic opportunities that brings.

Insight and analysis

Our report – Roadmap for the Decarbonisation of the European Recreational Marine Craft Sector – provided a clear plan for policymakers and industry leaders to steer the sector towards decarbonisation.

Meanwhile, our in-depth Commercial Readiness of Alternative Shipping Fuels Study assessed the merits and drawbacks of five alternative shipping fuels across each supply chain stage, with a focus on the European context.

Partnership and collaboration

We work with other organisations to bring about change to the shipping sector: 

Just Transition Maritime Task Force
We are a signatory to the United Nations Global Compact, which bills itself as ‘the world’s largest corporate sustainability initiative’. As part of this, we are an active member of the Just Transition Maritime Task Force, which aims to lead and coordinate efforts to work with governments, industry, workers and their representatives to ensure a safe and human-centred approach to achieving green shipping.

Getting to Zero Coalition
We are a signatory to the Global Maritime Forum’s coalition, which brings together decision-makers and stakeholders from across the shipping and energy sectors.

Blue Visby Solution 
We are a founding partner of Blue Visby, which exists to make shipping more sustainable by eradicating certain maritime practices to reduce a ship's carbon footprint. The Blue Visby Solution combines technology with long-established maritime traditions of cost-sharing and collaboration. 


1.    Fourth Greenhouse Gas Study 2020 (

Find out more and speak to one of our experts

Contact us to find out more about how we can help organisations and governments to decarbonise the transport sector.

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