
Increasing customers’ visibility of the emissions associated with the telecoms services they purchase.

How can the ICT sector respond to customers’ call for carbon transparency?
Businesses across all industries are under pressure to make Net Zero a reality. Organisations, however, cannot make sustainable changes if they do not capture the full picture of their footprint. As organisations plan their transition to Net Zero, many look to suppliers for support and want to know the carbon impact of the products and services they buy.
Connectivity has become essential to modern businesses and the green transition. As ICT services become key B2B suppliers, it is important for them to share the carbon impact of the services they provide. A key supplier to businesses of all sizes, Virgin Media O2 Business saw carbon transparency as an opportunity to add client value.
Through a dedicated carbon calculator, the telecommunications provider wanted to equip customers with bespoke and free carbon footprint estimations of its most popular business solutions.
Before rolling out this online ESG tool, Virgin Media O2 Business needed an independent expert to evaluate the tool’s accuracy. Having co-authored the ICT sector guidance to support the Greenhouse Gas Protocol Product Standard, the Carbon Trust was the right third-party to certify the Virgin Media O2 Business carbon footprint calculator.
Certifying Virgin Media O2 Business’s carbon footprint calculator in line with international standards
To help business customers quickly and easily understand the carbon footprint of Virgin Media O2 Business’s services, it is important that the calculator’s footprint estimations consider the emissions from the product’s full life cycle; without this, customer value diminishes.
A telecommunications provider like Virgin Media O2 Business should, for example, account for the embodied emissions of its products, meaning the emissions that will be released when users access their network. To ensure the tool provides real customer value, we:
Driving carbon transparency as a supplier
Connectivity and digitalisation are seen as key pillars to the Net Zero transition, which makes visibility over the emissions from these services all the more important.
Following this certification, Virgin Media O2 Business officially launched its carbon footprint calculator in October 2023. When customers now buy one of the SD-WAN or mobile solutions, they can receive a free carbon footprint estimation of their purchase. The certification of the calculation model and the resulting calculator can drive significant change. They: