Insights The latest insights, viewpoints and analysis from experts at the Carbon Trust. Sign up to our newsletter Filter by - Topic -Corporate climate actionEnergy transitionFinanceFootprintingNet ZeroRegulations and reporting Image What does South Africa's election mean for climate change? Corporate climate action Five tips to communicate your environmental action with transparency Image Energy transition Impact of climate change on South Africa's mining industry, what are the risks and opportunities for business? Image Net Zero COP28 drives momentum on need to end fossil fuel era Image Finance How can multilateral development banks collaborate to accelerate climate finance? Image Net Zero What would success look like at COP28? Image Net Zero The 1.5C challenge: How close are we to overshooting, triggering critical climate tipping points, and needing to go beyond Net Zero? Image Regulations and reporting Climate reporting in a changing regulatory landscape Image Energy transition Clean cooling: A collective responsibility for action Image Footprinting Can software improve climate action through better data? Load more