Sustainable Investment Forum 2023 @ Climate Week NY

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Bringing together industry leaders in sustainable finance and responsible investment, this must attend Forum provides a platform to share best practice in financing the Net Zero transition - from planning to practice - making changes across portfolios and organisations. Highlighting solutions for climate risk, adaptation and a just transition to net zero, exploring blended finance techniques that align with UN SDGs and Net Zero goals.

The Carbon Trust is a strategic partner for the event and will be hosting a Roundtable 11:30 – 13:00 focussed on ‘Financing the Energy Transition’. As we know, transitioning the global energy sector from the current fossil-fuel based system to renewable sources constitutes a seismic systemic and structural shift. The renewable energy transition will affect economies, businesses and people at all levels of society, irrespective of geography. Estimates vary on the costs, with figures as high as US$ 6 trillion per year to achieve 2050 targets. The question is, how can we act now to align financial flows to deliver on targets and achieve a just and inclusive transition that maximises positive impacts across all stakeholders? The roundtable will bring together a broad group of stakeholders from philanthropies, financial institutions, and insurers to explore this topic. 

Moderated by Senior Manager of Programmes and Innovation, Lindsey Hibberd and Head of Green Finance, Pietro Rocco.

Pietro will also be contributing to a panel discussion on ‘Mitigation and adaptation to the systemic risks posed by physical climate risk- can a holistic approach alleviate the difficulties for investors operating in siloed frameworks?’ at 15:00 – 16:00. 
