The Carbon Trust’s first podcast series explores insights on Net Zero innovation

Can the aviation industry ever reach Net Zero? Are we on the brink of a green steel revolution? In the latest episode of the Carbon Trust’s podcast series, our hosts explore emerging solutions to the hardest decarbonisation challenges, with Faustine Delasalle, CEO of Mission Possible Partnership, Rob Trezona, Co-founder of Kiko Ventures, and Ross Bruton, Head of Ventures at the Carbon Trust. 

The discussion concludes the four-part series on the innovation needed to achieve Net Zero. Throughout the series, Simon Retallack and Nina Foster from the Carbon Trust’s Net Zero Intelligence Unit meet with experts and innovators to discuss the growing circular economy, learning lessons in urgency and innovation from the Covid crisis, and scaling offshore wind globally using new technologies and policies. 

In Net Zero: What’s innovation got to do with it? key insights are shared by guests including Sir Patrick Vallance, former Chief Scientific Adviser to the UK Government; Lyndie Hice-Dunton, Executive Director of the US National Offshore Wind Research Consortium; Simon Sharpe, Director of Economics at the UN Climate Champions Team; and Andrew Morlet, CEO of the Ellen MacArthur Foundation, as well as experts from the Carbon Trust Megan Smith, Ross Bruton and Aleyn Smith-Gillespie

Innovation is critical to achieving global reducing emissions at speed and scale. The podcast is intended to spark new ideas and inspiration on how governments, businesses, financial institutions and individuals can come together to unlock innovation in the transition to Net Zero. The series is available to listen on all major podcast platforms and on the Carbon Trust’s YouTube channel.