Supply chain engagement

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Supply chain engagement

Scope 3 emissions often represent the majority of an organisation’s full value chain footprint. We help you obtain a clearer picture of your Scope 3 footprint as well as engage your suppliers and partners to support and accelerate your Net Zero journey.

Why is supplier engagement important in your climate journey?

The supply chain can represent a significant element of a company’s full carbon footprint. Addressing these indirect emissions requires collaboration with suppliers. With a supplier engagement plan, you can engage key suppliers to accurately measure your footprint and, more importantly, take action to reduce these emissions over time.


Fernanda Cruz
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Especially in Latin America, where climate conditions can be more adverse, working with suppliers is fundamental to promoting sustainable practices and tackling the challenges of climate change.

Fernanda Cruz Pineda

Senior Associate, Footprinting & Labelling, the Carbon Trust

The benefits

A supplier engagement plan that targets key suppliers can help you: 

  • Initiate a dialogue with selected suppliers to understand their current and planned climate goals and how these align with your own.
  • Encourage suppliers to reduce emissions before 2030 and achieve Net Zero emissions before 2050.
  • Include climate considerations into ongoing business interactions with suppliers and align your procurement strategy with your sustainability goals.
  • Improve the accuracy of emissions measurement and reporting.


How we can help

Our team of experts at the Carbon Trust can support you in developing a supplier engagement strategy and put your plans into practice. As part of this, we help you:

  • Identify key materials and suppliers across your supply chain to design a targeted and prioritised engagement strategy. 
  • Ensure that your strategy will enable you to effectively measure, manage and report the sustainability performance of your suppliers.
  • Collect and assess supplier-specific data on emissions to improve the accuracy of your Scope 3 footprint.
  • Engage with key suppliers to build their capabilities in footprinting, target setting, and identifying carbon emissions reduction opportunities.
  • Create tools and materials to support suppliers’ own emissions reduction efforts, reporting capabilities, and influence wider change in their sector.