Mastering CBAM: Reporting requests and building strong EU relationships

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Do you export CBAM relevant commodities such as steel, aluminium, iron, cement, fertiliser, electricity and hydrogen into the EU?

Register for our interactive webinar on CBAM for exporters to the EU.

“CBAM presents both a significant risk and opportunity for exporters to the EU. Carbon-intensive exports will likely lose their price competitiveness in the EU market. To maintain their international competitiveness, and turn the CBAM risk into an opportunity, exporters need to engage with supply chain stakeholders and measure and reduce their greenhouse gas emissions.” 
- Reinhardt Arp, Senior Associate, the Carbon Trust

Join us on 20 March as we explore how CBAM will impact your business and how to respond to carbon data requests from your EU customers to maintain strong customer relationships.

From January 2026, the EU’s final phase of CBAM will mean your EU customers must report on the carbon emissions related to CBAM relevant imports and start paying the corresponding carbon tax. Although this regulation doesn’t directly affect suppliers, it will reshape global supply chains, driving demand for accurate carbon footprint data and less carbon-intensive products. Suppliers will have to calculate their product’s carbon data in an accurate and robust way and also innovate to reduce emissions and stay competitive.

Why join?

This webinar will explain the data your EU customers are likely to require for CBAM reporting, how robust carbon footprinting can help you respond to their requests and strategies for decarbonising your product. We will facilitate questions and a discussion amongst peers in material-specific breakout rooms.

What will be covered?

  • Breakdown of the EU’s CBAM reporting process, timelines and requirements  
  • Identifying what information your EU customers need from you and how to fulfil their requirements  
  • Similarities and differences between footprinting, CBAM and Scope 3 reporting 
  • Interactive discussion and Q&A in material-specific breakout rooms 

Reserve your spot today