With 53% of green claims giving vague, misleading, or unfounded information and 40% of claims having no supporting evidence*, consumer trust is low.
To build trust and show transparency, companies should calculate their carbon footprint using methodologies aligned with international standards, including EU regulations. By making and communicating transparent, recognisable environmental claims for products and services, a company can stand out from its competitors and empower consumers to make informed purchasing decisions.
Join our webinar on ‘From EU Green Claims Directive to action: communicating credible sustainability claims on Thursday, 04 July, at 10:00-11:00 (CEST). Discover how the EU’s proposed Green Claims Directive can be leveraged to build brand and consumer trust. Gain insights and best practices for communicating the environmental claims of your products and services with credibility.
During the webinar, our EU policy and labelling experts Noor Crabbendam and Alice Ainsworth will focus on the development of the EU’s Green Claims Directive as well as the amendments to the Unfair Consumer Practices Directive to answer:
- What are the Green Claims and Unfair Consumer Practices Directives?
- How can I use the increasing regulated landscape to my advantage?
- What does best practice communication of claims look like?
This webinar is for professionals working in sustainability, sales, marketing and compliance or legal teams. Whether your company’s products and services have carbon footprint labels, or they are at the start of the footprinting process, you will gain expert insights on how regulations can help drive environmental action.