Floating Wind JIP – Stage 3 Phase I
Stage 3 Phase 1 of the Floating Wind JIP commenced in 2022 with projects running until 2027.
Projects within this Phase have been selected to focus on: electrical systems, mooring systems, logistics, windfarm optimisation, foundations, and asset integrity and monitoring.
Overviews of individual projects can be found below.
Stage 3 Phase I technical studies
Dynamic Cable Condition Monitoring (DCCM)
The vulnerability of subsea cables to electrical and mechanical risks due to marine exposure is a critical concern. Even in bottom-fixed offshore wind installations, as indicated by insurance data, cables pose the most common failure risk. Implementing condition-based monitoring can be instrumental in detecting premature failures early and informing design decisions to enhance reliability. However, the lack of consensus on reliable and cost-effective monitoring methods for dynamic cables remains a challenge.
To address this, DCCM aimed to identify the most effective condition-based monitoring techniques for dynamic cables in a floating offshore wind context. The project objectives were to:
- Evaluate the risks associated with dynamic cables and understand the different mitigation techniques.
- Assess the different dynamic cable motions and lifetime monitoring technologies and their applicability in context to predicting premature failures.
- Determine priority actions to support the development and accelerated deployment of condition monitoring strategies for dynamic cables.
- Establish recommendations on an operation and maintenance (O&M) strategy for dynamic cable condition monitoring systems.
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Floating Wind Joint Industry Programme