Clean hydrogen

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Clean hydrogen

We take a whole systems view to support clean hydrogen in playing its most cost effective and impactful role in the energy transition.

How we can help

The versatility of clean hydrogen means hard to abate sectors can decarbonise where electrification is either unfeasible or too costly, for example in steel making or fertiliser production. However, high production and storage costs are preventing its use as a tool for decarbonisation. To help drive the clean hydrogen industry forwards, we work with players across the field, to accelerate the cost-effective deployment of hydrogen as an alternative energy source.

Our Clean Hydrogen Innovation Programme aims to speed up the deployment of clean hydrogen through technical innovation to drive down end-to-end cost and help make clean hydrogen cost competitive with conventional alternatives. 

Discover more

CHIP announcement

CHIP - Innovation Needs Assessment

Hydrogen insight series - Unlocking fuel

Hydrogen insight series - Accelerating the fuel

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