Reduce your business' carbon footprint with our free introductory guides. The Carbon Trust provides simple, impartial, effective advice to help organisations take action to reduce energy use and carbon emissions. Take your first steps and explore energy efficiency best practice by sector or technology.
Download a free guide
Net Zero
The journey to Net Zero for SMEs
Energy management
Better business guide to energy saving
Energy procurement and green tariffs
Effective energy management for business
Commissioning an energy efficiency project
Sector based
Heating, ventilation and air conditioning
Energy saving tools
Our 4 online tools cover measuring your carbon footprint, benchmarking your energy use, building the business case for lighting upgrades, and exploring upgrading your business fleet. These tools are based on data for small to medium sized businesses but are a helpful starting point for anyone looking to start measuring, managing and reducing carbon emissions and cost.
SMEs and energy efficiency: research
The Carbon Trust commissioned a survey to better understand UK SMEs' attitudes to energy efficiency and what actions they have taken to reduce energy consumption.