How can suppliers make their sustainability efforts stand out?
Companies’ decarbonisation targets are ratcheting up. Since most emissions can be found across a company’s supply chain, many seek suppliers’ carbon data to grasp the whole picture. This means the pressure for suppliers to be carbon transparent is on.
As a producer of self-adhesive label materials, UPM Raflatac understood purchasers’ drive to sustainability and the role it could play in this journey. The company already had sustainability embedded in its strategy and put science-aligned climate targets in place. However, now was the time to further the company’s sustainability efforts. UPM Raflatac wanted to communicate the carbon figures behind its label material ranges to give purchasers the carbon transparency they were after and show the quantified positive impact they could provide for customers.
Upstream activity
This covers all carbon emissions released across the supply chain. It starts with sourcing raw materials right up to the point these enter the organisation’s operations.
Assessing a supplier’s carbon calculation model
UPM Raflatac had set up a dedicated emission calculation model to communicate its carbon reduction and product footprint. To empower UPM Raflatac to communicate its carbon emissions to clients and provide rigorous reporting, we:
Enabling transparency in the supply chain
The certification of UPM Raflatac’s impact model shows that the company’s footprint figures are credible. Through the independent verification, it could:
A chain reaction for accurate carbon data
If more B2B suppliers verify their product footprint, their clients can adopt accurate emission data across their own supply chains. It's a catalyst for carbon transparency across the market.