Offshore Renewables Joint Industry Programme (ORJIP) for Offshore Wind: Benthic habitat changes post-construction of offshore wind: a strategic investigation (BenCh)

The construction and operation of offshore wind farm developments can impact benthic ecology and habitats of conservation importance. Despite monitoring data existing, there is limited understanding of the actual effects of offshore wind farms on the benthic environment, and how these compare to pre-construction estimates. Where avoidance and mitigation have not been possible and it is not possible to rule out unavoidable adverse effects, the delivery of compensatory measures may be required to maintain the integrity of benthic habitats.

This project will conduct large-scale, multi-site analysis of benthic monitoring data at offshore wind farms to investigate benthic habitat changes post-construction of offshore wind projects and evaluate the following research questions:

  • RQ1: Are there suitable metrics to detect changes in benthic habitats that could be applied to offshore wind assessments?
  • RQ2: Is there a measurable change (increase/decrease) in biodiversity and/or species composition?
  • RQ3: Are there localised and regional ecological effects around the infrastructure?
  • RQ4: Is there change in ecological function (e.g., functional groups) as a result of biological changes?
  • RQ5: Can recovery and/or enhancement be demonstrated and in what timeframe?

Responses to clarification questions are posted below.

The closing date to receive tender submissions is 12 July 2024, 12:00 BST.

All clarification questions and tender submissions should be sent electronically, by their respective deadlines, to and