Floating Wind Joint Industry Programme: Floater and Tower Design for Larger WTGs (FTDL)

Calling for entries from companies and consortia interested in undertaking a study to investigate the influence of global system frequencies on the design and the configuration of WTG towers and floating platforms.

The objectives of the project are to:

  • Set out the challenge of system frequencies in the design of floating offshore wind turbines.
  • Understand and establish what the key design parameters that impact on the relative proximity of system frequencies.
  • Investigate the impact of composite section or otherwise flexible coupling between tower and foundation.
  • Investigate the modelling of tower damping systems and their integration in the design tools.
  • Investigate how the parameters identified interact and establish a design space for soft-stiff and stiff-stiff, highlighting combinations that will challenge 3P separation requirements.
  • Understand and establish the key design drivers for floating foundations depending on WTG size and properties.
  • Develop recommendations on best designs and practices as well as a scaled floater configurations for multiple WTG sizes, including considerations on key design drivers and features (e.g. WTG position).
  • Evaluate the impact that design choices may have on the cost outcomes of a project.

The deadline for clarification questions has now passed. Answers to questions received can be downloaded below.

The closing date to receive tender submissions is 17:00 GMT 31 March 2025.

All clarification questions and tender submissions should be sent electronically, by their respective deadlines to alistair.Morris@carbontrust.com, with floatingwind@carbontrust.com in copy.