What is Net Zero and why does it matter?

net zero

Net Zero123 is the most comprehensive approach there is to securing a liveable planet.

Achieving Net Zero involves making deep reductions in greenhouse gas emissions to get as close to zero as possible, and then actively removing from the atmosphere any emissions that really cannot be avoided.

Once we achieve this balance of emissions and removals, global warming stops worsening. Emissions from human activities have already warmed the planet by around 1.2C (above levels experienced before industrialisation) and there is a scientific consensus that staying below 1.5C will avoid the most catastrophic effects on our climate.

The 2015 Paris Agreement set out an international commitment to pursue efforts to limit warming to 1.5C. Achieving that, rather than allowing temperatures to rise by 2C, would save around 61 million people from drought, bring down the financial costs of global climate damages by 25%, and prevent triggering critical climate ‘tipping points’, such as the collapse of the Greenland Ice Cap.

Climate scientists have modelled the scenarios needed to call time on global warming and prevent us from surpassing 1.5C. The pathways which shield us from the worst impacts of climate change and allow us to meet our global goal of 1.5C have a common thread: halving our emissions this decade and reaching Net Zero by around 2050. Immediate action to reduce emissions is therefore critical.

Why do we need to limit global warming to 1.5C?

A global temperature rise of a couple of degrees may not seem significant, but the consequences are serious. A temperature rise of 2C would lead to 37% of the global population being exposed to severe heat at least once every five years and climate ‘tipping points’ being reached. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, or IPCC, also predicts that 2C of warming would lead to long-lasting or irreversible impacts, including the loss of some eco-systems.

Limiting global warming to 1.5C would dramatically improve outcomes. The percentage of the population exposed to severe heat at least once every five summers would drop to around 14% and hundreds of millions fewer people would be at risk of climate change-related poverty.4


Achieving Net Zero

What progress has been made?

Almost 80% of global emissions are now covered by Net Zero targets5, and big emitters like China, the USA and the EU have set Net Zero-related targets. However, the plans in place to reach these targets do not go far enough. Even if all of the current national emissions reduction pledges are met, it is likely Net Zero by the middle of the century will be missed, and warming will exceed 1.5C.6 It is therefore vital for governments to go further and revise the ambition of their national commitments, with transition plans and policies which get us to Net Zero by 2050.

Current national pledges are not enough to reach Net Zero on time 


Source: Climate Change 2022, Mitigation of Climate Change, Working Group III Contribution to the Sixth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change AR6 Climate Change 2022: Mitigation of Climate Change — IPCC

Net Zero is still possible. Many of the tools and techniques needed are already available, and the rewards of adopting them are significant for society and businesses. Renewable energy technologies like wind and solar are not only the cleanest, they are also now the cheapest in many locations. Net Zero policies, when designed properly, also bring health and social benefits. Acting now will also address growing expectations from consumers and investors that the companies they buy from and invest in are taking this seriously. Immediate action makes both business and climate sense.

It will mean changing how we do business, how we live and how we use technology, but businesses and communities are constantly evolving to adapt to new pressures and opportunities, and Net Zero presents a growth opportunity for those who adapt early and lead the transition. By focusing efforts on the sectors responsible for most greenhouse gas emissions and putting in place the enabling conditions for progress, we can reach Net Zero and create a better future for everyone.

1‘A Degree of Concern: Why Global Temperatures Matter’ (NASA Global Climate Change, 2019)

2‘Net Zero: Why 1.5C’ (Energy & Climate Intelligence Unit, 2021)

3 ‘Climate Change 2022: Mitigation of Climate Change. Working Group III Contribution to the IPCC Sixth Assessment Report’ (IPCC, 2022)

4 ‘1.5 or 2C Celsius of additional global warming: Does it make a difference?’ (Yale Climate Connections, 2021)

5 Net Zero Coalition (UN)

6 Net Zero Coalition (UN)

7 ‘Global Warming of 1.5C’ (IPCC, 2018)

8 ‘The net-zero transition: Its cost and benefits’ (McKinsey & Company, 2022)

9 ‘World Economic Outlook’ (International Monetary Fund, 2022)


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