Climate change risks, opportunities and TCFD alignment

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Climate change risks, opportunities and TCFD alignment

Reporting the impact of climate change on your business is increasingly becoming a legal requirement. We can help you understand and manage climate-related risks and opportunities, and report in alignment with TCFD, turning compliance into competitive advantage. 

What is TCFD? 

Launched in 2017, the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) is a framework for the global financial sector to see the potential impact of climate change on businesses. It has four areas – governance, strategy, risk management, and metric and targets.

The benefits 

Understanding the impact of climate change on your business, and aligning with TCFD, brings a number of benefits, including the opportunity to:

  • Test your business’s resilience across a range of hypothetical scenarios, providing the tools you need to make informed decisions in a rapidly changing world.
  • Align your business strategy to emerging market trends and regulations, and drive competitive advantage.
  • Identify potential blind spots, and uncover and leverage opportunities for growth in a fast-changing environment.
  • Develop a feasible, sustainable and logical Net Zero transition plan.
  • Embed sustainability in your corporate culture.
  • Demonstrate to investors and lenders through TCFD alignment that your company’s climate-related risks have been appropriately assessed, potentially leading to easier or better access to capital.
  • Understand portfolio risk in financial institutions, design an investment strategy that avoids climate risks, and improve due diligence  processes to screen out, or accurately price, climate-risky investments.

How we can help

We have significant experience of providing TCFD support to a wide range of corporates, investors and policymakers, and are constantly refining our approach to give our clients the latest insights. 

We provide strong leadership for encouraging the adoption of TCFD across markets, and for using it as a strategic tool beyond the disclosure requirements.

With our strategic approach and industry knowledge, we will uncover the most important and relevant risks and opportunities for your business. We can then support you to mitigate those risks, work out ways of making the most of the opportunities and go beyond fulfilling your disclosure requirements to drive sustainable growth. 

Why the Carbon Trust?

We have two decades of experience in carbon business consulting, so we understand the dynamics of business model evolution in response to climate change.

We know that the majority of risks are embedded in a company’s value chain and we have worked with suppliers and customers for years; we know their challenges and the potential for change. 

As an organisation with a global reach working with policymakers, businesses, financiers and the technologies of the future, we can provide a truly systemic and holistic view on the low-carbon transition for your business. 

We are able to draw on our diverse multi-skilled teams to bring the most appropriate expertise to each project.

Find out more and speak to one of our experts

Get in touch and discover how we can help you understand and manage climate-related risks and opportunities and report in alignment with TCFD.

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