How can a global conglomerate keep track of their climate progress?
Net Zero commitments are gaining ground. But climate targets require substance and must be backed by action if they are going to have an impact. Net Zero is about more than commitments; it is about implementing credible strategies, measuring progress and asking the right questions. Do we have the right processes in place to achieve our targets? What impact have our decarbonisation efforts had to date? And are we on track to meet these targets?
Siemens plc understood these questions first-hand. Its parent company, Siemens AG, had recently restarted its Carbon Neutral Program with the goal to reach a Net Zero carbon footprint. To help achieve this multinational corporate goal, Siemens plc wanted to certify its climate progress. As part of this, it sought to assess the impact of its decarbonisation efforts, communicate progress and steer its course towards Net Zero.
Having worked with the Carbon Trust since 2011, Siemens plc joined the Route to Net Zero Standard.
The Route to Net Zero Standard
The Carbon Trust’s Route to Net Zero Standard enables businesses to plan their route map to get to Net Zero while verifying their progress to date. Companies that qualify for the Standard will have their carbon reductions independently verified and scored against one of the three assessment tiers: Taking Action, Advancing and Leading, designed to increase ambition over time and to provide guidance to stay on track with science and best practice.
To qualify for the foundational Taking Action tier, companies must demonstrate:
- Three years of annual carbon footprints for Scope 1, 2, and business travel (Scope 3, Category 6) and historical reductions.
- Foundational carbon management practices in place, such as a public emissions reduction target.
The Carbon Trust helps companies progress on this sustainability journey, providing a robust assessment process and tailored recommendations. The Standard encourages companies to progress their climate action and achieve the highest tier. To achieve this, companies will have leading practices in place, e.g.:
- Measured and high-quality Scope 1, 2 and 3 footprints.
- Reduced their Scope 1 and 2 emissions in line with a Net Zero pathway.
- Set a qualifying Net Zero target that is public and aligns with science.
- Have leading carbon management practices in place, including a detailed carbon reduction strategy and implementation plan.
Certifying progress in climate action
Since Siemens plc already had taken significant steps in its climate journey, they were well placed to join the Standard. The goal was to assess Siemens plc progress and current position against a Net Zero pathway. To capture a clear and transparent picture, we:
*Verified to ISO 14064-3
Building confidence in climate progress and the road ahead
The Route to Net Zero Standard goal is to help organisations like Siemens to measure and manage their emissions, inform carbon reduction strategies, and create climate targets fit for the future. Through this third-party verification and gap analysis, Siemens plc became one of the first companies accredited with this Standard. It enables the company to: