Developing a new wind and metocean dataset to support the UK’s marine industries

The Crown Estate has commissioned the Carbon Trust to assess the need for and value of creating a new, modelled wind and metocean dataset for the UK Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ). After completing an initial research phase, we are now seeking feedback from stakeholders on wind and metocean data needs to inform this potential, future dataset.


The Crown Estate uses its world-leading data and evidence capability to inform future marine spatial planning through its ‘Whole of Seabed’ programme, enabling it to support the delivery of marine renewable energy, nature recovery and thriving communities.

The Crown Estate has identified the need to update its own wind and metocean data holding and it is actively considering whether it can make a more comprehensive, state-of-the-art dataset available to its customers and other data users. 

The objectives of this project are to:

  • Identify current and future wind and metocean data needs, including sensitivity to climate change and other future conditions;
  • Explore how to improve access to relevant and high-quality wind and metocean data;
  • Inform and enable the development of a future national-scale spatial dataset that could address existing data gaps and de-risk, reduce costs and accelerate the development of the UK’s marine sectors. 

This project focuses on identifying data needs of the offshore wind (OSW) and marine renewables sectors, however the needs of other sectors, such as aquaculture, aggregates, cables, gas storage (including carbon capture and storage), nature recovery and environment, among others are being considered where synergies and opportunities exist.

In April 2024, we completed initial research and developed a draft Technical Specification for the dataset.

Stakeholder survey

We are interested in your perspective on the wind and metocean data requirements in your sector. The survey feedback will be collated and used to finalise the draft Technical Specification for the dataset.

The survey is divided into two sections:

  • General questions – We would like to gather general feedback on your organisation’s current uses of wind and metocean data.
  • Technical specification questions – We have developed a high level technical specification for a potential, future wind and metocean dataset for the UK EEZ. We are interested in your views on this specification, based on your organisation’s specific data needs to help us inform the detailed specification.

Complete the survey


Learn more

Join the Developing a new wind and metocean dataset for the UK webinar to learn more about our initial findings, the current draft of the Technical Specification and what type of feedback we are seeking from stakeholders.

Register here