Paul Wedgwood

Paul is an Associate Director based in the Carbon Trust’s Edinburgh office, where he works with clients across the UK and internationally providing specialist advice and support to governments, public sector and business organisations, on a range of technical and strategic change management.
Paul is the lead for the Carbon Trust's carbon management, energy efficiency and city & region-wide, low carbon energy programmes working on projects with Local Enterprise Partnerships in the UK. He also works international on energy efficiency and carbon management projects, notably the Low Carbon States programme and associated projects in Mexico. Paul also has experince of delivering projects in Peru and Malaysia.
Paul specialises in bring together organisations’ leadership teams and technical specialists to identify, develop and implement successful and enduring energy and carbon-saving solutions. This includes establishing business cases and implementation path for projects in non-domestic buildings (including heating, lighting, ventilation, building fabric and on-site renewables), in processes, and for behaviour change across the organisation.
A graduate of the University of Edinburgh, Paul spent a number of years working in the travel and tourism sector, joining the Carbon Trust in 2009. Paul has over 25 years’ experience in commercial and consultancy roles, working in both large and smaller organisations.