Kay Rulton

ETL Service Manager

Kay Rulton profile

Kay focuses on large government energy efficiency programmes that encourage businesses to implement energy saving initiatives.

She is a Service Manager for the UK government’s world-leading Energy Technology List (ETL), with overall responsibilty for promoting awareness of the scheme so that purchasers of equipment such as boilers, fridges and heat pumps, select the most energy efficient products. Kay has also delivered the Consultants Accreditation Scheme contract to establish a large network of highly skilled consultants who provided energy site survey and carbon management programmes to a large number of public and private organisations.

Kay has a strong interest in the circular economy, particularly the textiles sector, and in promoting the repair and reusability of fashion items.

Since obtaining her BA (Hons) in French and Spanish from the University of Exeter, Kay has undertaken qualifications in Training and Development (IPD), Quality Auditing and Management.