Project feasibility and technical advice

We provide technical advice to help you identify, quantify and progress the most cost effective sustainability and carbon reduction projects.


Our delivery team includes qualified engineers and finance professionals all focussed on our mission to accelerate the move to a sustainable, low carbon economy. As we are independent, we are technology agnostic and are not tied to the promotion of specific products or suppliers.

Benefits for your organisation

  • Cutting costs  - energy is a significant and growing cost for many organisations, reducing consumption can deliver substantial cost savings.
  • Facilitating compliance - we can support preparation of data submissions required by environmental legislation.
  • Enhancing reputation - being able to demonstrate emissions reductions can differentiate your brand in a crowded market place.
  • Reducing emissions - by reducing energy consumption, you will also reduce CO2 emissions, helping you to achieve your sustainability objectives.
  • Validating bills - monitoring energy and resource use helps you validate your bills to ensure that you are only paying what you should. 
  • Engaging staff - carbon reduction projects can be a good platform for broader staff engagement on energy efficiency and environmental sustainability.

How we can help

Our technical advice and project feasibility support includes:

Site surveys and energy audits
An experienced Carbon Trust engineer will examine your building, recommending the opportunities with the best paybacks and carbon savings. To identify the greatest savings, we look at the way in which a building or site operates, including energy controls and maintenance procedures, as well as at the energy consuming systems in the building. 

Energy Management Service
We gather data from your energy meters and use specialist software to show how and where you are consuming energy. Our team of experts analyses the data to identify specific issues and opportunities to reduce consumption, and provides advice and guidance on implementing them.

ISO 50001 services
We can help you prepare for ISO 50001 - the international energy management standard.

Feasibility studies
We have the tools and expertise to carry out feasibility studies and investment grade assessments on all key energy efficiency and renewable energy technologies. We focus on whole life costs, and can carry out lifecycle costing analysis to back up the purchase of energy efficient equipment

Decentralised energy support
With expertise in stakeholder management, planning policy support, financial and commercial modelling, and technical advice, we can support you through the decentralised energy project development process.

Building Design Advice
The objective of the Building Design Advice service is to work with you to achieve low and zero carbon developments and buildings, with low running costs and whole life costs. The service is designed to aid planners, central and local government bodies, developers and architects.

Housing services
We can support property developers, contractors and suppliers in their delivery of resource efficient housing and communities.  We can help you with site surveys, feasibility studies, design advice, construction stage audits and post completion review and monitoring.