Navigating U.S. offshore wind R&D: Strategic opportunities for the Netherlands

This report analyses the priority research areas in the Unites States and the Netherlands to identify eight overlapping thematic areas, combining U.S. challenges and Dutch capabilities.

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The Netherlands is recognised as a global leader in offshore wind, offering extensive expertise and opportunities for collaboration that could help meet the ambitious targets for offshore wind deployment in the United States (U.S.). This report analyses the priority research areas in the Unites States and the Netherlands to identify eight overlapping thematic areas, combining U.S. challenges and Dutch capabilities.

Three thematic areas emerge as having the most extensive collaboration potential: transmission solutions, floating wind commercialisation, and turbine scale-up and standardisation.

The report provides detailed insights into eight thematic areas, highlighting current U.S. and Dutch research activities and potential timelines for partnership opportunities. These areas include supply chain industrialisation, turbine scale up and standardisation, installation and operations and maintenance (O&M), minimising ecological impact, offshore wind resource and site characterisation, transmission solutions, floating offshore wind commercialisation and integrated offshore energy systems.

Additionally, an assessment of current and historic funding opportunities in the U.S. provides tangible options for collaboration for Dutch and U.S. research collaborations. This report identifies numerous opportunities for Dutch and U.S. partnerships across the eight thematic areas. However, significant barriers currently hinder these potential collaborations. To ensure successful partnerships, it is recommended to address these barriers through strategic networking, capacity building, formal partnerships, and targeted R&D funding.

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