New guide supports butchers to reduce energy costs


An average Scottish butcher could see savings of £720 per year by taking steps to manage their gas and electricity costs, according to a new guide produced by Quality Meat Scotland (QMS) and the Carbon Trust Scotland.

The Scottish Butchers’ Guide to Saving Energy” has been launched by QMS to provide Scottish butchers with practical and useful guidance in order for them to reduce energy costs which contribute directly to their bottom line.

The Guide was produced after a number of site surveys were undertaken by the Carbon Trust to determine the scope for energy efficiency improvements across a broad section of butchers in Scotland.

The survey results categorised energy-saving opportunities into three groups: no-cost actions which could be made immediately; low-cost measures which require small investments below £500; and investment measures which require financial investment of over £500.

Individual saving opportunities from implementing no-cost measures, for example, minimising door openings, re-setting air conditioning controls or rationalising frozen storage space ranged from £23 to over £500 per annum.