We welcome the publication of the Committee on Climate Change's latest report as it highlights the challenges and implications of a one-sided view of emissions measurement and reduction. Indeed, the Carbon Trust's own work on international carbon flows has shown that around one quarter of greenhouse gas emissions are embodied in the goods and services traded internationally; the UK's position as a net importer means that consumption emissions are 34% higher than production emissions. This is broadly consistent with the Committee's findings. While we agree with the report's assertion that a global deal to drive emission reductions is important, it is our experience that such a deal will never replace action at the local level by Governments, business and consumers. Businesses can benefit by measuring and reducing the carbon embodied in their supply chains and by communicating this to consumers through product carbon labelling. Consumers would then be more empowered to buy low carbon products wherever they are produced in the world.
- James Wilde, Director of Innovation and Policy at the Carbon Trust
More information on the Carbon Trust research into international carbon flows can be found here.
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