How can German businesses become sustainability leaders and achieve their SDGs?


We will draw on our nearly 20 years of experience in advising global companies including Tetra Pak, Carlsberg and Danone on their effective sustainability strategies and implementation plans.

This webinar will provide insights on how German businesses can align with a below 2°C pathway, including how to:

  • set science-based targets
  • achieve Sustainable Development Goals
  • calculate your Scope 3 emissions
  • measure your product footprint
  • accurately communicate and report your sustainability impacts, commitments and reductions

Please join us for an online session full of practical advice from our world-leading experts and the opportunity to submit your questions. This webinar will be delivered in English, with our German speaking experts on hand for questions.

Please note this webinar is for Carbon Trust current and prospect clients only, and we reserve the right to decline unsuitable registrants in order to ensure an appropriate audience.