Nina Foster

Senior Manager, Net Zero Intelligence Unit

Nina Foster

Nina manages research and communications for the Net Zero Intelligence Unit, focusing on experience-led insights to accelerate global progress towards Net Zero. Prior to joining the Carbon Trust in 2022, Nina worked on scrutiny of UK environmental policy and communication of Net Zero at the House of Commons, including as Deputy Head of the Secretariat for the Environmental Audit Committee and Media, Communications and Engagement Lead for Climate Assembly UK.

In these roles, Nina provided MPs from all political parties with objective, evidence-based information on both mitigation and adaptation policy, on issues ranging from disposable packaging to the UK's relationship with the Arctic. Climate Assembly UK brought together over 100 people from across the UK to discuss how the UK should meet its 2050 Net Zero target. It was commissioned by six select committees of the House of Commons and culminated in the publication of report on a credible path to Net Zero which was presented to Parliament in September 2020.

Nina holds a Distinction in MA International Relations: Culture and Politics from Leiden University and a Distinction in BA History of Art from Worcester College, University of Oxford.

Nina is available for media comment and interviews.